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Falling Idols

A young woman's search for identity, independence, courage, and love in the tumultuous '60s.  
A coming-of-age novel with insights of the Oscar-winning movie "CODA" and its predecessor "Children of a Lesser God." This revelatory story unveils the struggle for
Deaf Rights and Sign Language in the public schools. A struggle that that walked hand-in-hand with the
Civil Rights and Anti-War movements in the late ‘60s.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle EBOOk

Watch for Hardcover

"Coming of Age
in a Time of Turmoil"

"Kelpin’s ability to show us both sides of a conflict and to imbue her characters with humanity and dignity runs throughout Falling Idols. She offers a fresh and important perspective on a time of great turmoil in our country. 

-C.W. Spooner, author of One Pitch at a Time, Children of Vallejo, Like a Flower in the Field, '68, Yeah, What Else?, Street Cred, and more.  Click here for Chuck's author page on Amazon. 

Falling Idols
How Do You Sign "Protest" in ASL?
"Genuine and

"A touching story about families and relationships strained by the times and the new replacing the old. It is told with wit, empathy, insight, and literary skill”

Casey Dorman, former editor and publisher of the literary quarterly Lost Coast Review and author of Ezekiel’s Brain, The Oedipus Murders, Murder in Nirvana, and a host of other literary and scholarly works. Click here for Casey's Author Page on Amazon. 

Lucky the Left Pawed Puppy

A Delightful Story Empowering Little Left Handers and All Children (especially those who, at times,
feel 'left out.)


The book is just the right length for a read-along picture book. The sketch-style art has a warm, fun feel...

 “Writer’s Digest Self-Published e-Book Awards” : Judges review

Click Here for more Reviews

Polly and the Measuring Stick
A Fable for All Ages

What's a little petunia to do when all the ooh's and aah's of life pass her by? There's only one solution and Polly Petunia finds it in this whimsical modern-day fable about overcoming self-doubt -  for ALL AGES. 

Stories to Go
Audiobook - All Ages

A Dazzling Collection of humorous, inspirational, and homey wisdom all wrapped up in selected short stories, poems and essays written by Billie Kelpin. 

Kelpin narrates her works from Hubpages, anthologies,"The Truth That Can't Be Told 1 & 2," and the "podiobook," Live from Milwaukee, It's Tuesday Night.
Enjoy during your coffee break or on the drive home. 

Listen Now.

Ebook Only $ .99
The Perfect Husband App

The magic of marriage is often only a word away. Sometimes the best intentions get lost because the perfect words are hard to find.  Here's a powerful and fun list of simple 20 phrases will melt your partner's heart when said with sincerity.
Available as a 'zine in Etsy $7.99

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